Invader 22
Quick Release Pin home allsorts *** ***

Just bought a new lifebuoy bracket for the starboard side. I had a wire frame one - but found it awkward to fit as my pushpit uprights slope. Also, the soft eyes on the horseshoe tend to stick a bit behind the wires.

One problem with the bracket type is the bungee arrangement. Looking at it it seems quick and easy to flip the shockcord off the bracket to release it - but it hooks on outside, so you can't see it that easily. Also, the shockcord is fixed into the mounting bracket - so changing it is a fiddle ( so it never gets changed and gets all perished up and stiff ).

This is exactly the same fixing, but with the shockcord as an open loop, easily changed - then fixed inboard with this pin, through two short bits off upvc tube and a small strop at the base

I've altered this a bit now - with the new bungee fitted, these clips are too tight - so have used the same arrangement, but instead of the spring clip have used a large sized split pin

Left - the pin arrangement, very simple. The pin is fixed back to the plate to avoid losing it ( it's not permanently fixed here, until I get a bigger, red, parrel bead )

The shockcord is attached as well - just as well, as when you pull the pin, it leaps right off the bracket - so it works a treat.

May seem a bit finicky - but the slightest delay in being able to throw a life ring is paramount.

I've read s good deal about what you should deploy first - for a MOB situation. In a way - having several things you 'could' chuck first, might confuse the issue, wasting valuable seconds. Given that you have a Danbuoy, a throwing line - and maybe two rings. Its probably wise to set up the gear to be deployed in a specific order - and one that everyone aboard knows.

I'd be tempted to say - throw the thing first that you can throw the furthest. I have about 16 m floating polyprop braid yellow line - that is loose filled into a smooth pvc lined holster fitted to the pushpit rail. The end of this, the throwing end, has a 'ring' made up from eight small red/white 'doughnut' type floats. They are there as a floating thing that's the right weight and size to throw well. You could certainly throw this further than bulky, light, life ring - especially against any wind.

Ideally, I suppose, any life ring thrown, should be attached to the end of this line. The Danbuoy then, could be attached to the end of the life ring line. I t goes without saying, at night the life rings should have auto lights attached.

If the ring is going to be deployed after the throwing line, and attached to it, then its more a matter of simply deploying the buoy overboard, along with the light - rather than needing to gain any distance. I don't consider a life ring as an ideal object to try to throw any distance - especially if it has a light dangling on it. The orange plastic self inverting types are quite heavy with the batteries in.

In a way - it might be an idea to have the light attached to a throwing line - then throw that first, especially at night. Then deploy the ring and the danbuoy on the end of the line

Whatever happens first - it does not seem ideal for several aids to be in the water floating off in different directions.
I feel they should all be attached.

I think I'm looking at setting it up so the the line is first, then the life ring attached to the throwing line ( this would be set up already ), then the Danbuoy, which is also attached to the end of the life ring line.

If by the time you are going to release the danbuoy its obvious that the mob has not got a hold of any of it - then let the lot go. On the other hand, if the poor sod has caught a hold on anything deployed - then you don't want to release the line.

Whether that lot is feasible is just a matter of trial, under sailing conditions. For instance - I buy 'floating' line, but does it float ? The last thing you want is your prop all fouled up as a consequence of all the stuff you've thrown over !

I have two life rings - but don't see the point of deploying both. Depending on the no of crew - someone else may go over in the process of recovery. I actually have three - one lives in the locker.

You cannot adequately solve these issues sitting in the warm and dry and thinking about it - but its a healthy start giving it some serious thought.

For night sailing - I feel you need to address the issue very seriously. I would say everyone on deck, even in the cockpit, clipped on - but things still happen. Ideally, anyone not below carrying a w/proof vhf - for the price they are now. After all, if one is below and one up top - who shouts Mob ? You might not even know for a while.

Thats enough on all that - its just that I was thinking about it all day, so wrote it down. Does need serious thought, and moreso, actual practice doing it all afloat in genuine conditions. Not that anybody does ! - do they ?