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Summer Cruise 08 - 16th - 23rd June.
Weston to Blue Anchor | Blue Anchor to Watchet | Watchet to Swansea | Swansea to Barry | Barry to Cardiff | Cardiff to Weston. Barry to Cardiff Enjoyed entering Barry in the dark - I must do some night passages in earnest sometime - given some more clement weather. I had been in to the harbour here before, at close to low water on the very first trip I did in Lena - just to have a look around - and I remembered it as much smaller somehow. Its a massive entrance - hard to miss, with two easy lights on each side. With a HW it looked ten times the size I remembered it. The first easy trot we picked up had 'rnli' on the buoys - so, just in case, we moved off to another. It seemed an accepted practice to raft up - but we were told later in Carfiff they don't like you rafting up if you are going to leave the boat unattended. There are, apparently, loads of mooring going spare - probably a result of the Cardiff barrage development. It is a bit exposed - but is one of the only all tide natural harbours - which is why the channel pilots use it. The middle section is always water. Dawn in Barry Harbour - take beacause I read my watch upside down and woke us both up for 5 to 7.00 when it was in fact 5 past 5.00 ! Still - we had a nice two hour lie in ! Ian didn't seem to see to appreciate this extra two hours I'd found him. The two ahead of us yesterday were in Barry - they had rafted up the other side of a nearby boat, so we got to quickly shout hello - they were off as soon as they floated and headed off across the channel.. On a 10.6m tide we floated 3 1/2 hrs berore HW - about 7.30am - so we were off for our breakfast quest in Cardiff by 8.00. Off of Lavernack point - the flood tide ripping here into a light Easterly. From left - Flat Holm( with its light house ) - Anchor Head - Freighter - Brean Down( faint) - Steep Holm. ( not sure what is on the skyline on the extreme left ) Very confused stretch of water around Lavernack Cardinal - and not easily avoided if coming out of Cardiff to go SW - as the Wolves are close by. |